Economic Development Director needs community input for Define Nashua campaign

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Economic Development Director Liz Hannum.

NASHUA, NH – One of Economic Development Director Liz Hannum’s goals is to build Nashua’s brand and marketability. To do this she is starting the Define Nashua campaign to turn Nashua into a place that people can be excited about. First, she needs your help. 

“My goal is to recruit the types of businesses that people want to see here and the types of businesses that will bring in really good jobs, and we haven’t quite figured out where we want to go and how we want to talk about it,” she said. “I don’t want to just make assumptions about how people want us to talk about the community, I really want to hear from the community itself so that we’re accurately depicting what they want.”

To do this, the Define Nashua team just put out a survey on their website to get community feedback. The survey will be open for about two months and will be available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

“We’ll take some time to figure out what kind of businesses or activities [they] want to see going forward, and then from there we can actually start implementing all of those things and talking about the community in the way that they’ll get excited about.”
After several months of community engagement, the campaign is projected to launch this fall. Click here to take the survey.

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